How Max improved their mystery shopping results with RedSeed.

Increases in RedSeed Energy map to improvements in Mystery Shopper results.
Services provided



Bespoke Courses

Customised Courses


New Zealand owned and operated, Max first opened its doors in 1986. As New Zealand’s favourite womens fashion store,Max are committed to being inclusive, innovative and inspirational.

“We’re an NZ based company specialising in women’s fashion. We have 36 stores from Whangarei to Invercargill... and we’re online as well!” — Karma Wetere, National Retail Manager.

After much searching, looking for an innovative solution to replace their paper based training, and in keeping with the three core values, Max chose RedSeed to deliver sales training to over 230 retail staff across 36 stores nationwide. RedSeed’s ‘Sell Em Something, Sell Em More, Sell it Faster’ sales programmes were selected, which are designed specifically for retail professionals.

“We were quite clear from the get-go what outcome we wanted. So, working with everyone at RedSeed was actually really easy!”

Getting manager buy-in 

The most important resource any retail business has is its managers and coaches. The head office team at Max realised this and got their managers buy-in by launching it at their national manager’s meeting first, and ensuring they complete the course before rolling out down the organisational tree. 

This has seen the store managers take ownership of RedSeed within their own stores. It has come particularly noticeable in the interview process. RedSeed has become so embedded in the company’s culture that training expectations become a focal point of the interview process.

“When store managers are interviewing they take such ownership of it. You know, RedSeed’s a big part of our life, part of our DNA, this is our expectation... So, it’s from the get-go and I think it’s really rewarding.”  

Varying levels of skill pre-implementation

When a retailer implements a training initiative like this, one of the common barriers is the varying levels of retail experience a team will have. Max focused on the importance of consistency in training and sold their team the value of getting everyone on the same page. 

“...Even if you’d been in retail for 20-30 plus years even starting back at level one created consistency, so that everyone was doing the same thing.”  

Lack of technological ability 

With the different generations working in retail, one challenge retailers face, when implementing online training, is having to support staff who lack confidence in using technology. The Max team worked through this by encouraging team-training sessions. Ensuring that there was a peer-support network in place helped staff members grow their confidence. 

“We encouraged it! They made a bit of a night of it too, they might have some pizza and maybe a glass of wine. It took the fear factor out and then once they’d realised ‘this [the RedSeed system] isn’t actually hard’, they were fine!”  

The RedSeed results

Culture Change & Engagement

The real success story is the engagement Max have seen from the store managers and how much they’ve embraced RedSeed. They absolutely live and breathe it! leading from the start, the Max managers have helped to ingrain RedSeed into the DNA of the business.

“Going into the store and hearing them ‘speaking the RedSeed language’ it’s really great to hear.”  — Karma Wetere, National Retail Manager.

Since their implementation of RedSeed, Max have maintained a high Energy Score which is a tribute to their store managers and shows just how much ownership they’ve taken with training.

“At every manager’s meeting we keep it front of mind. They absolutely live and breathe it.”  

Improvement in KPI’s

“Our team embraced this new concept of online training well and their commitment and efforts have shown some great results. Areas this is noticeable in include:

Culture – if you don’t embrace Red Seed, you are not embracing Max’s customer service commitment and standards.

Language - RedSeed has become part of our everyday language. Coaching cards are used daily on the floor with team members; they use ‘RedSeed Speak’.

Feedback - Our service excellence awards, in-house awards based on feedback we receive through Facebook or our website, have increased from a few a month to at least six a week!

KPI’s - The quality of each interaction has improved which has seen increases in several key areas for Max. Items per sale have increased well over 80% which means the average dollar increases too. We’ve also seen a rise in our average Mystery Shopper results.

“Our teams are wanting to enhance their training further and are looking forward to new modules being released.” 


Since implementing RedSeed in the business, Max have seen an overall growth in Mystery Shopper results of 10% across the business.

What has been highlighted by the shift in these KPI results is just how much training engagement affects output, and the overall customer experience within a business.

“Not only did we find that increases in RedSeed Energy mapped to improvements in Mystery Shopper results, we also found that the inverse is also true. Stores that saw a drop in Energy also saw a large drop in Mystery Shopping results.”

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