We’ve Created a New Report for You!
As part of our ongoing development stream, we love to hear from our users and build things that are useful to them! You may have noticed that we’ve recently released our new and improved reporting suite in the latest release of RedSeed product updates.
HINT: You can find it now in the new top menu
You’ve asked us for more, so that’s what we’ve done! The new suite now gives you reports that cover data which is user, overall training, course, energy and admin specific. The most recent release launched our latest addition to your reporting arsenal, the ‘Not Enrolled’ report.
This allows you to see which trainee’s have been created in RedSeed but may still be waiting to be enrolled in one (or more) of your courses.
This report comes in particularly handy when you’re staggering a course roll-out. For example, you may have just activated the second level of your retail sales training and you want to know which managers you need to get in touch with to let them know they have trainees waiting to be enrolled in the next level.
When you run the report, you’ll see the name of the trainee and the level (or store) they’re in and which course they’re not enrolled in.
HINT: You can select multiple courses. This means that a fairly standard report becomes a pretty kick-ass report if you’re wanting to see which stores are proactive and getting amongst their training (and which one’s are lagging).
Along the same lines of awesome, we’ve also recently released a ‘Not Started’ report. It’s been live for a while now, but we wanted to make extra sure that you knew it was there because we didn’t want you to miss out on all the awesome!
Pair this with the new ‘Not Enrolled’ report, and there’s no place to hide!
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