Mastering the "I Do, We Do, You Do" Model: A Guide for Retail Coaches

Discover how to effectively implement the 'I Do, We Do, You Do' coaching model in a retail environment.

In the bustling environment of retail, effective coaching is an absolute must if you want your team members to understand their roles and excel in executing them. So, what coaching approach will give you the biggest bang for your buck? After all, you’re busy and you need coaching to be relatively quick and effective, right?

Well, that’s where the "I Do, We Do, You Do" model is incredibly useful in enhancing your coaching sessions and empowering your team to achieve peak performance on the sales floor.

The "I Do, We Do, You Do" model is often attributed to educational psychologist Madeline Hunter. Hunter was renowned for her work in instructional design and teaching methodology. While the model has its roots in education, it has been adapted and applied in various fields, including coaching, training, and professional development.

The essence of the model lies in its structured approach to learning, which emphasises gradual progression from demonstration to guided practice to independent application. This framework provides a systematic way to introduce new concepts or skills, engage learners in active practice, and facilitate mastery through repeated application.

Understanding the Model

I Do: In this initial stage, you take the lead by demonstrating the skill or task. This could involve showcasing effective customer engagement, demonstrating product knowledge, or exemplifying best practices in handling transactions. As a coach, your role is to model excellence, so use your benchmarks to illustrate the expected standard and provide clear explanations of each step.

We Do: Once you have demonstrated the task, it's time to engage your team member in collaborative practice. This stage involves you and your team member practising this skill or task together. The focus here is on guided practice, with the coach providing feedback and support as needed. And remember, if your team member is a bit anxious, start by taking on the more challenging role and then swap. This is a great way to calm nerves!

You Do: In the final stage, your team member takes ownership of their learning and applies the skills independently. This is where the rubber meets the road as your team member demonstrate their mastery of the task in real-world situations on the sales floor. Your role now becomes that of an observer and mentor, providing constructive feedback and encouragement to help them refine their skills further.

What are the Benefits of the "I Do, We Do, You Do" Model:

Implementing the "I Do, We Do, You Do" model in your coaching sessions offers several benefits:

Clarity and Structure: 

The model provides a clear roadmap for coaching sessions, ensuring that you and your team members understand the expectations at each stage.

Active Engagement: 

By involving team members in collaborative practice, the model promotes active learning and engagement, leading to deeper understanding and retention of skills.

Gradual Release of Responsibility: 

The model scaffolds learning by gradually shifting responsibility from you to your team members, empowering them to become independent and self-reliant.

Immediate Feedback: 

With opportunities for feedback at each stage, your team members receive timely guidance and support, which facilitates and encourages continuous improvement.

By implementing the "I Do, We Do, You Do" approach, your coaching sessions gain clarity and structure, your team members become actively engaged in their learning, and the responsibility for skill development gradually shifts from coach to learner.

Additionally, this model offers a unique avenue for immediate feedback, ensuring your learners receive timely guidance and support at every step of their journey towards mastery.

So, as you embark on your coaching endeavours, remember the power of the "I Do, We Do, You Do" model. Embrace its structured approach, engage your team members in collaborative practice, and witness the transformation as they evolve into confident, capable retail professionals, ready to excel on the bustling sales floor.

Published by:
Karen Gowans
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