Calvin Klein
Tommy Hilfiger
APG & Co
All the Best Pets
Alterra Mountain Company
Appalachian Outfitters
Bargain Chemist
Bed Bath & Beyond
Best & Less
Big Save Furniture
Bivouac Outdoor
Boating & Outdoors
Burnett Foundation Aotearoa
Christchurch Casino
Cloudy Bay
Community Foundations
Dahlsens Building Centres Pty Ltd
Drummond Golf
Explore Hāpainga Ora
Flooring Xtra
Foodstuffs North Island
Foodstuffs South Island
Four Square
Heart Foundation
High Country Salmon
Home Express
Jani King
KMD Brands
Kitchen Studio
Kiwi Kitchens
Lighting Plus
Limelight Group
Living Unlimited
Mountain Buggy
National Tiles
New World
New Zealand Defence Force - Recruiting
Ngahuia Group
Number One Shoes
Oceania Dairy
On the Spot
PB Tech
Phil & Teds
Prestige Brands Australia
Raeward Fresh
Rodd & Gunn
Scenic Hotel Group
Smiths City
Student Volunteer Army
Sunglass Style
Tall Poppy
Target Furniture
The Comfort Group
The Pet Centre
Tile Warehouse
Torpedo 7
Untouched World
VF International
Van Heusen
Whitestone Contracting
Calvin Klein
Tommy Hilfiger
APG & Co
All the Best Pets
Alterra Mountain Company
Appalachian Outfitters
Bargain Chemist
Bed Bath & Beyond
Best & Less
Big Save Furniture
Bivouac Outdoor
Boating & Outdoors
Burnett Foundation Aotearoa
Christchurch Casino
Cloudy Bay
Community Foundations
Dahlsens Building Centres Pty Ltd
Drummond Golf
Explore Hāpainga Ora
Flooring Xtra
Foodstuffs North Island
Foodstuffs South Island
Four Square
Heart Foundation
High Country Salmon
Home Express
Jani King
KMD Brands
Kitchen Studio
Kiwi Kitchens
Lighting Plus
Limelight Group
Living Unlimited
Mountain Buggy
National Tiles
New World
New Zealand Defence Force - Recruiting
Ngahuia Group
Number One Shoes
Oceania Dairy
On the Spot
PB Tech
Phil & Teds
Prestige Brands Australia
Raeward Fresh
Rodd & Gunn
Scenic Hotel Group
Smiths City
Student Volunteer Army
Sunglass Style
Tall Poppy
Target Furniture
The Comfort Group
The Pet Centre
Tile Warehouse
Torpedo 7
Untouched World
VF International
Van Heusen
Whitestone Contracting

What are customers saying about RedSeed? (all active quotes)

“RedSeed has become an integral part of 2degrees and we cannot think what life would be like without them.”

Yasmin Kachwala

Learning and Development Manager

“The best part of it is that it’s coupled with coaching and assessments so it’s a blended programme”

Yasmin Kachwala

Learning and Development Manager

“We’ve evaluated RedSeed post implementation a couple of times and we’ve been able to show a direct correlation between RedSeed completion and increased sales in those channels.”

Anne Pollard

Head of Learning and Development

“Stores with high energy scores directly map to high sales.”

Anne Pollard

Head of Learning and Development

“By embracing learning loops, I can foster an environment where active learning and coaching thrive together.”

Wendy McLaughlin

Head of Retail Sales

“RedSeed has positively impacted our sales, our NPS and our mystery shopping results.”

Yasmin Kachwala

Learning and Development Manager

“We tailored RedSeed towards our environment, we used our people in the videos and that gave it a sense of realism and relevance for the rest of our team. It’s had a really positive impact.”

Anne Pollard

Head of Learning and Development

"With learning loops I can build active learning and a coaching culture at the same time"

Sharon Elder

Learning & Development Co-ordinator

“It was a challenging Christmas, but I firmly believe that it would have been much more challenging had we not taken the team through RedSeed’s Selling Program”

Graeme Allen

Operations Manager

“Our team feels more confident on the floor. The results are speaking for themselves!”

Graeme Allen

Operations Manager

“Conversion rates have gone up 10% across the board and up to 15% with the ones who are most engaged with training.”

Graeme Allen

Operations Manager

“COLIN (our branded RedSeed learning platform) not only provides a great way to deliver quality and consistent content to our employees in a timely and measurable way, but it will also provide a much more efficient outcome for the business.”

Leanne Newsome

GM People & Culture

“Having the ability to coach and spend time with employees out on the shop floor and provide constructive feedback on their interactions with their customers has been a game changer.”

Scott Gordon

National Franchise Development Manager

“For stores that have engaged with the RedSeed training, and built it as part of their culture. I’ve definitely seen an improvement in the average sale, the average profit and the ability to focus their teams on what is required as part of their employment.”

Scott Gordon

National Franchise Development Manager

“Employ for the right attitude & you can train everything else.”

Scott Gordon

National Franchise Development Manager

“I can see a correlation between stores that have actually taken on board the sales training and have built that as part of their culture versus those that haven’t. You can see over the course of the four or five years that we‘ve actually been doing it and improving.”

Scott Gordon

National Franchise Development Manager

“Those stores that have built training time into their weekly roster and continued to grow their staff and training culture are very transparent to see within the RedSeed system. They’re the ones that’ve become very successful.”

Scott Gordon

National Franchise Development Manager

“The RedSeed system has really cool reporting functionality; getting the data from the system is fast & easy to manipulate.”

Scott Gordon

National Franchise Development Manager

“The biggest challenge (before RedSeed) was the inconsistency of in-store training between stores depending on their location.”

Scott Gordon

National Franchise Development Manager

“Stores who are actively engaged in their RedSeed training courses reflect a significant increase to their in-store sales results.”

Scott Gordon

National Franchise Development Manager

“When you’ve got consistent behaviours happening on the floor with customers, that consistency breeds success and you convert. It’s as simple as that.”

Greg Smith

ex CEO & Brand President

“RedSeed absolutely impacts performance... It’s incredibly successful!”

Greg Smith

ex CEO & Brand President

“As soon as an employee is hired, our payroll system speaks with RedSeed, their user account is created and they're automatically enrolled in their learning pathway. Such a streamlined process.”

Kate Gamblin

Organisational Development Specialist - KMD Brands

“Redseed integration has been the one of the easiest implementations I’ve had in our IT space. The requirement collection, set up and bug testing were all easy to do, even with us being in different cities. It ticked the time, budget and quality boxes for the project.”

Brett O'Hanlon

IT Manager

“RedSeed's retail sales programme has helped increase sales revenue, confidence, consistency and customer service across our store network.”

Dave Yurak

National Retail Manager

“Throughout the process and even now, the team continues to support our training journey and make necessary refinements that has seen our team equipped with standardised, quality training that has set us up well in a challenging recruiting market.”

Major Albie Rothman

New Zealand Defence Force - Recruiting

“From the start, the team at RedSeed understood the training needs of our recruiters and set to work collaborating with our project team. Their ability to produce quality content at pace was truly impressive.”

Major Albie Rothman

New Zealand Defence Force - Recruiting

“As well as delivering just what we needed, the team was great to work with and offered exceptional value for money.”

Major Albie Rothman

New Zealand Defence Force - Recruiting

“Learning loops empower me to cultivate a culture that seamlessly integrates active learning and coaching.”

Trish Hall

Operations & Learning Development Manager

“We’re seeing a shift in what employees expect or value from the company they’re working for. If our people are engaged and feeling like they’re being invested in, we know we will see the added benefits like higher retention.”

Jo McIndoe

Ngahuia Group L&D Lead

“The big one for us is around energy. That’s what we’re focusing on at the moment. And what’s super cool is we are now at 93% energy. 90% was our baseline target, so I’m incredibly proud of that 93% result; 93% shows that the majority of our team is actively engaged in training.”

Jo McIndoe

Ngahuia Group L&D Lead

”They know what they’re doing and are truly experts in their field, and as a result, what we’ve delivered has landed much stronger and more accurate and relatable than if a production company just produced it.”

Jo McIndoe

Ngahuia Group L&D Lead

“We have built a true level of engagement in the business; our next step is to continue building that coaching culture and capability within our managers to ensure that we’re adding value to complement the training. That’s where the magic happens!”

Jo McIndoe

Ngahuia Group L&D Lead

“We were able to quickly build an online course and load it into the RedSeed system pretty much immediately to ensure our team received the same training to keep them safe. We can also confidently identify who has and hasn’t completed the training. That’s a big one!”

Jo McIndoe

Ngahuia Group L&D Lead

“RedSeed enables Oceania to create individual pathways of learning for different roles within the business and we can track these easily.”

Rachel Moore

People & Safety Manager

“RedSeed has helped us bring our performance management process and conversations online, this allows for consistency and transparency, as well as direct coaching opportunities for our teams.”

Rachel Moore

People & Safety Manager

“Support responses are fast and RedSeed provide quick solutions to requests.”

Rachel Moore

People & Safety Manager

“RedSeed provide some great personal and leadership development courses which our frontline supply chain teams have not had easy access to before and the response has been really positive.”

Kirsty James

Head of Training & Development - Commercial

“What I love about RedSeed is our ability to build customer-focused courses that are 100% bespoke to R.M.Williams.”

Kirsty James

Head of Training & Development - Commercial

“Our team experience short, sharp nuggets of ‘what good looks like’ so they’re able to take it in, learn from it and are able to do it.”

Kirsty James

Head of Training & Development - Commercial

“We were looking for a platform that we could use that was relevant to our business, which is very retail oriented, but also that would work across all departments from manufacturing, distribution, admin to retail. We needed something that would benefit everybody and that would drive behaviour change.”

Kirsty James

Head of Training & Development - Commercial

“We want our training to be award winning… Look out Jane (at Weber) — I’m coming for you! [hehehe]”

Kirsty James

Head of Training & Development - Commercial

“Being able to partner with RedSeed to build bespoke courses that will engage our teams was another reason why we chose RedSeed.”

Kirsty James

Head of Training & Development - Commercial

“There’s a great mix of expertise in the film crew, they’ve clearly been doing this for a long time and they made it fun. My cheeks are still hurting from all the laughs.”

Kirsty James

Head of Training & Development - Commercial

“Having our leaders that can coach and help drive that behaviour change, in addition to the training, was something that RedSeed offered the ability to do — and it’s awesome!”

Kirsty James

Head of Training & Development - Commercial

“Learning is great, you can digest the information, but unless you can go out and put it into practice, it’s a waste of time!”

Kirsty James

Head of Training & Development - Commercial

“We’re currently building our ‘Signature Service’ courses and the filming was fantastic. The RedSeed team have clearly done this many times before and were able to give advice and direction but still maintain the language and feel that we’re looking for to match our brand.”

Kirsty James

Head of Training & Development - Commercial

“We used a learning management system but its content was very generic. It’s was very text heavy and the content wasn’t engaging. RedSeed’s different — and it drives behaviour change!”

Kirsty James

Head of Training & Development - Commercial

“We partner with the RedSeed experts - they have a great team with a lot of knowledge and expertise in the learning space.”

Kirsty James

Head of Training & Development - Commercial

“We need engaging, relevant content that drives behaviour change. The ability to encourage, train, and to ensure that coaching happens is crucial to success.”

Kirsty James

Head of Training & Development - Commercial

“The RedSeed team were very willing and able to adapt the content - they’re very flexible.”

Kirsty James

Head of Training & Development - Commercial

“We want to build leaders that have regular coaching conversations with their teams - What did you learn today? How are we going to practise that? What worked well? How can we do this differently?”

Kirsty James

Head of Training & Development - Commercial

“Feedback that I've received saying how easy the Learning Library (RedSeed) is to use and how interactive and engaging the content is has been really positive. In fact, we are getting numerous requests for more bespoke courses, which we are currently working on.”

Kirsty James

Head of Training & Development - Commercial

“It's all well and good to ask the team to complete the training, but if you can't see any change at the end or if people aren't engaged in it, then it's a complete waste of everyone’s time.”

Kirsty James

Head of Training & Development - Commercial

“The RedSeed team have worked closely with us to deliver key education priorities for our business.”

Rebecca Hollowood

Field Sales & Education Manager

“Being able to tap into RedSeed’s content library and supplement our in-house training has been invaluable.”

Patrick Sauter

Executive GM Global Retail

“The RedSeed team is supportive and has a fast response time which makes them a fantastic partner for Rodd & Gunn.”

Patrick Sauter

Executive GM Global Retail

“The RedSeed LMS is simple. Whether I want to view an individual, a store, or to track our training globally, RedSeed makes this easy.”

Patrick Sauter

Executive GM Global Retail

“RedSeed made the transition from our old LMS Litmos so easy. The project to move across training records as well as to refresh our course content was seamless.”

Patrick Sauter

Executive GM Global Retail

“In a crisis, we need to rapidly onboard and train a large number of people. RedSeed helps us ensure people are supported and we can verify they have been trained and understand the basic concepts.”

Sam Johnson

CEO & Founder

“It‘s a really easy system to use. The people in support are really helpful.”

Jessica Wilson

Operations Communication Coordinator

“The retail sales programs are invaluable in supporting our business goals.”

Jane Calleja

Director of Talent, Capability and Development APAC

“After years of working with many learning platforms it was a breath of fresh air to be introduced to the RedSeed platform and team.”

Jane Calleja

Director of Talent, Capability and Development APAC

“I was keen to use a platform that was simple yet would deliver an engaging and valued experience. The platform is streamlined and easy to administer.“

Jane Calleja

Director of Talent, Capability and Development APAC


You can search the RedSeed website by entering search terms below.